Our production and assembly is purely handmade using professional equipment required for this type of work. Our product line currently includes three types of high-end phono preamplifiers which you can order based on our references or test them out in your home environment.
We use high-quality components, ceramic sockets, gold-plated NEUTRIC connectors, safety-certified transformers, and precise mechanical components. The selection of vacuum tubes and capacitors are a different issue, as they have the greatest impact on the resulting sound. In the analog signal path, the best capacitor is no capacitor. Therefore, we try to minimize the number of capacitors. But the ones that we use are individually measured, high-quality capacitors. What we consider as a great advantage is our individual approach. Our client may choose from a wide range of the German TAD (Tube Amp Doctor) vacuum tubes and the MUNDORF capacitors.
We only accept orders on the basis of personal contact. Do not hesitate to call us or email us for further information.