CONTACT - OLDSTEP - Your Perfect Sound

  • Ing. Oldřich Stejskal - tel.: +420 603 418 063 (production, testing, technical support)
  • Štěpán Vaigl - tel.: +420 602 795 947 (brand, order, technical support)
  • E-mail:
  • http:
  • Headquarters, invoicing and postal - Chvalkovická 689/25 Prague 9 193 00
  • Showroom and client service (after a phone call) - Kramolná 34 Prague 9 193 00
  • IČ: 677 61 208 (Štěpán Vaigl, the payer VAT/DIČ: CZ6304161754), registered in the Trade Register)
  • Bank: Raiffeisen Bank Praha 8 - 774 829 30 01/5500